8 May 2011

workshop with India Flint

oooh Finally!
Tomorrow I make my way to switzerland not for leisure but to participate in a workshop by India Flint herself!! This couldn't get any better!

I haven't been doing much work lately. So much going on ... but I'm hoping the workshop will inspire and enchant me so that I get back on track. Last experiments I did were parcially rewarding. Eucalyptus! All my research says they should produce brilliant reds, browns, oranges and even blacks in some cases. but untill recently my attempts had been in vain.

I finally managed to get my hands on some decent fresh ecalyptus and voila! some definate orangy-reds came to life. I've not yet been able to get the brilliant red that I am so fascinated by, but then again the geographical and climatic conditions in the UK do make it almost impossible for that I'm told as compared to the Australian varieties where this plant is a native.

I better go and pack now... more update after the workshop!