Last few weeks, a few months actually, were steeped in uncertainty and then anxiousness about the uncertainties! Thankfully these have finally been creased out. The change is beginning to sink in now. What marks an end of something only marks the beginning of something else. So after a mini roller-coaster of unnerving waiting and inevitable necessary decisions, a new era has started in my life...
What started as an un-ignorable curiosity, became a passion which then inspired a lifestyle philosophy. Now its time to put it into practice. All the ideas and plans made for a future further ahead, have been given a opportunity to be realised in the present thanks to the circumstances that surely the Universe must have conspired for!
I have been busy however. I found these samples I made last year which unfortunately had a few moth holes in them. Which only stressed the need to have a proper cabinet for my work. But I thought they'd look nice put together as a scarf or a wrap or something. And I finally have a decent cabinet for my fabrics. I was a tedious job to paint it but now that its done, its totally worth it! And I'm really glad I found the perfect door pulls.

It has taken much thought and a bit of planning but a beginning of a collection is emerging. Overall I feel quite positive, almost looking forward to this terrifying and exciting "starting something of my own" thing. Taking the plunge into the big bad world!
Wish me luck. Nothing is going to be same again. But that's the idea!
I'd been playing with folding techniques (in my mind of course) which I've finally tried out and I must admit, I'm quite impressed with it actually! now the challenge is to make all the pieces look like it belongs in the same collection but keeping each piece unique. I have to say though, it was very much enjoyable to be collecting leaves on beautiful autumn days on Sussex Gardens (to those who don't know its not actually a garden, just a road!) when people passing you by giving strange looks. Probably thinking "What is this crazy woman up-to?"!
I don't want to give too much away but here's a sneak...